Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Sep 19 2013

Flu shot achieved!

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Sep 19 2013

Sometimes when I go to Meijer for food

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I end up buying a half-price birdbath.

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Sep 15 2013

Avery says…

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… is this what you mean by Facebook?

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Sep 15 2013

Great picture catch-up

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I know I’ve been lax about keeping up the site. However! I have now learned how to update this site as easily as I do Facebook, which means you should see more posting here in the future.  Feel free to send this site link to interested relatives or friends, especially those who are not on […]

One response so far

Sep 03 2013

First day

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Last year I will have both kids at the same school… (Sniff sniff) Last year’s picture for contrast…

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Sep 02 2013


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Sep 02 2013

Test post from mobile app

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Testing testing

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May 11 2013

My first River Bank Run (aka Riggle Bank Run)

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I ran my first race! I came in 1,723rd out of 3,061 women (3,462 out of 5,274 overall) with a time of 34:41 which for me is right on target for my usual speed. It was fun and I felt great.

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May 01 2013

I will add more pictures soon

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Updating this site got away from me! Sorry! Soon, though…. In the meantime, see above for River Bank Run photos

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Sep 07 2012

First day

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Avery’s first day of kindergarten! Sam would just as soon abandon this picture tradition, but I put my foot down. I’ll let him off the hook when he’s in middle school.

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