Aug 01 2011

Cadillac trip, May 2011

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Sam and Papa at Kenwood park

Sam and Kaeleigh

Bob and big kids

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May 04 2011

Avery’s first ballet class

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They got to play with a hula hoop before class started

She had a wonderful time!

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May 04 2011

Relay for Life 2011

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We formed a team for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life, and named our team “In the Name of Mom”, joining forces with the Taylor family who also lost their mother to cancer this year. This meant we raised money (over $4,000!) and then on April 29-30 we, in shifts as a team, walked the track at Falcon Stadium for 24 straight hours. Each team at Relay also has a team tent which has little carnival like activities and prizes to raise money, as well. In the evening was a luminaria ceremony with candle tributes lighting the track in honor of survivors or in memory of lost loved ones. That was a somber, emotional moment but otherwise the event was upbeat and positive, and I’m really glad we did it.

Celebrate! Remember! Fight back!

I loved these flags just outside the stadium

This is Daniel Mansheim, aka Dan-Dan. We had so much fun with all the kiddos out there.

I love this picture.

Taylor, Megan and Sam

Father-daughter track time. This is Kelly and Reese


The luminaria bag my kids made in honor of Donna


Dawn. Donna always called this color "sky blue pink."

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May 04 2011

Happy Easter

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This wasn't Easter, but it was way too cute.

A very handsome smile

Making eggs with those little Paas tablets, just like we did as kids

Sam and Mom

All dressed up for Easter service (on Saturday night)

They're zooming around, finding eggs

Sam got a kite from church, from saving up "cash" for memorizing verses and such

Avery and her Nana

Papa helps Sam with his kite

Last but not least…an Easter morning video. The video is too dark to see much, but the audio of their excitement is worth the click. I think the Easter Bunny really came through this year. Click here.

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Apr 12 2011

Fishing for summer

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Avery got a fishing pole, at her request, for her birthday, which inspired Sam to get out his pole. They were both practice casting on that gorgeous summery Sunday we just had.

He said he was "grass fishing"

I think she looks gorgeous in this picture.

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Apr 12 2011

Happy Birthday Avery!

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I can’t believe she’s four years old!

Note how Sam is "helping" blow out the candles...


Presents from the Ringstrom side, given on Sunday...

Sam, explaining his present to her, complete with hug

A happy gasp for dollhouse furniture from Papa Ringstrom


Aunt Erin and Uncle Bob put together a craft kit for our little artiste

She picked bowling for her Day of Birthday fun!

Sam celebrates a great frame

My best attempt at a My Little Pony cake

Love this picture.

Then we started a paper fight and it stuck to Sam's rear end

Zonked out birthday girl!

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Mar 27 2011

We are go for launch (with video! and kid Bruce pictures!)

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Sam finally got to launch his birthday present rocket, which he got as a gift way back in December.


Before we moved out to the launch pad

And look! Thanks Dad Ringstrom for this 1983 picture of Rocketeer Bruce

Fueling up...

We'd started at Sam's school but there were too many nearby trees and houses. This is my old elementary school, Townline.

Rocketeers must have leisure time, too...

And now….. VIDEOS!

His first landing. Listen for Sam’s glee, and Avery’s hesitation… Click here to watch.

His second landing. Listen for Sam at the very end.  Click here to watch.

The last launch, from countdown to the very exciting landing.  Click here to watch.

Bruce's own rocket blast off, 1983

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Mar 06 2011

Glenwood carnival

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This year had a Wild West theme. Sam spent 90 percent of his time in the inflatable bounce house, but he also tried this horse cowboy thing pictured below. A robot calf would shoot out from under the horse and you had to try and lasso it. Avery was determined to win the cakewalk and she did…twice. (Well, the second time everyone won, because they had too many prizes and the carnival was nearly over.)

Yee ha!

Love this picture

Gearing up for the thrilling cakewalk

Avery tries her hand at the beanbag toss

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Mar 06 2011

Griffins in a blizzard

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Papa Ringstrom, Bob, Kaeleigh and Erin all drove down (and got snowed/iced in) for a Griffins game.

First things first: Missing tooth picture!

Let's go Griffins!

The kids make "excited face" after we get to Van Andel

Papa and the Grandkids

Avery liked to dance

The kidlets

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Mar 06 2011

Videos! Sledding and concert

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A sledding video!

A Sam concert video!

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