Tag Archive 'kid funnies'

Nov 22 2010

Kids say the darndest things

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From Avery: “Yesterday? At breakfast? I sneezed and bless-you’d my Froot Loop right off my spoon. That was funny.” From Sam: “If you marry Donkey Kong, you’d have a monkey as a ring bearer.”

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Jun 28 2010

Scene: Living room, just before lunch

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Avery: (Theatrical sobbing) Sam: Why are you so sad? Avery: (through theatrical sobs) Because Mommy doesn’t have any ham! Sam: It’s OK, Avery, Mommy still loves you!

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May 11 2010

Kid funnies, anniversary version

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Sam, today, peeking down my shirt (just before I told him how rude that is): “Why don’t I have those huge things?” (I wonder if he knows what “huge” means…) Avery, pitching a fit over having to use the “big” potty instead of her little potty seat: “You have to send the big potty back […]

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