Dec 28 2013

Merry Christmas!

Published by at 10:13 pm under Uncategorized

2013-12-27 191

White Christmas

2013-12-27 196

With Santa’s cookies, and celery for the reindeer

2013-12-27 200

Christmas morning, before the chaos

2013-12-27 211

Opening a gift from Sam

2013-12-27 212

An even better gift from Sam: Christmas hug

2013-12-27 218

The kids each bought each other the same thing from the Santa shop: a rubber ducky eraser

2013-12-27 225

Avery opening a Santa gift: a My Little Pony activity kit

2013-12-27 228

Avery excited about her journal, which she now has deemed her “diary” and will correct you if you get it wrong

2013-12-27 230

Sam loves these books

2013-12-27 235

Avery and Mom, a Christmas morning selfie

2013-12-27 238

One of my favorite books, from Bruce

2013-12-27 239

Bruce getting a book from his wishlist: REDSHIRTS

2013-12-27 260

Avery got a Barbie car

2013-12-27 270



One response so far

One Response to “Merry Christmas!”

  1. Samon 19 Nov 2014 at 10:53 pm

    THAT is some aftermath