Jun 25 2010


Published by at 2:50 am under Uncategorized

I packed a picnic lunch, plastered sunscreen on the kids (and me, learning my lesson from my sunburned shoulders) and hopped in the van to go play on the splashpad in Kentwood. Then…alas! Horrors! Lightning broke the splashpad! Now I’ve got two hysterically screaming, disappointed, hungry children. Here’s where a Blackberry or something would come in handy. Instead I called Bruce, hoping he was by a computer. He was not. Next call, my parents, who fired up their machine and through some intrepid Googling figured out that my memory was correct, that Lamar Park in Wyoming had a splashpad, too. Dad told me how to get there (though I could barely hear him on speaker phone) and it was a half-hour later than planned, but we made it! No sand at this one, unlike Kentwood, and it’s not fenced in, but it’s bigger, and there were some smaller, gentler water things for the little ones to enjoy. So it all worked out in the end….

Mmmm, sandwich.... They were good sports about eating first.

She looks so grown-up! She let the babysitter give her a braid today.

He's not as thin as he looks, here. He's sucking in a breath because he got wet.

Worth the extra driving, I'd say....

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