Aug 12 2010

Farewell, old Kentwood library

Published by at 2:05 am under Uncategorized

Since I was something like five years old, I’ve been going to the Kentwood Public Library on Kalamazoo. I read children’s books, horse books, mystery books (I still remember my unbounded joy to discover a HORSE MYSTERY) plus all the teen classics of my day (THE CHOCOLATE WAR, A WRINKLE IN TIME, I AM THE CHEESE and the fluffy Sweet Valley High books), the racy Danielle Steele, James Bond books, and more, more, more.  As a teen-ager I “studied” (gossiped, flirted) there.

I happily voted YES on the millage for a new branch, though. Kentwood is not a sleepy little town anymore and that library is tiny and ill-suited to the computer age.

We did make sure to go one more time, though, to say goodbye to the old building.

I remember thinking my feet couldn't trespass onto the "big kid" side of the library

Avery was done with pictures. She wanted lunch.

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