Aug 27 2011

Life’s a beach

Published by at 2:23 pm under Uncategorized

In late August, Mother Nature presented us with a picture-perfect beach day. Warm but not hot, no humidity, no storms, pleasant breeze. So we ran out to Oval Beach in Saugatuck. It was gorgeous — except for the biting flies, which were not so gorgeous. They didn’t plague us the whole time, but a couple of swarms nearly drove us away! Glad we toughed it out.

The kids are the lower left. I was trying to capture with a photo what a pretty day this was.

The water was relatively warm, for Lake Michigan, anyway

Digging in the sand is half the fun

This was Avery's idea of going swimming. Sitting at the edge and letting a wave splash her once in a while.

Sam enjoyed the waves washing him back to shore

Then they buried Daddy and decorated him.

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