Jan 27 2012

Happy Ninth Birthday, Sam!

Published by at 7:54 pm under Uncategorized

Of course you know, this means he’s almost a…preteen.

Sam and his friend, Tyler

A rare time when Nana will allow a photo

Make a wish! This frosting turned everyone's teeth blue

Beyblades (or were they Bakugans? Who can keep track anymore) from Tyler

Big reaction for the SnapCircuits from Auntie Kim

Pals. They're standing on a squishy surface so they look the same height. Tyler is actually taller.

Upside-Sam. This was at Playworld, a kid's idea of heaven on earth: bouncing, sliding, bouncing, climbing, bouncing. And snacks.

Lightsaber cake for party, phase two. (Yes. I know.)

Blowing out the candles

Papa and the gift he picked out. Sam's decided his magician name should be Alaka-Sam (get it?)

Nerf guns from Uncle Bob, Aunt Erin and Kaeleigh. Mayhem ensued.

You don't know the power of the dark side...

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