Aug 12 2010

Farewell, old Kentwood library

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Since I was something like five years old, I’ve been going to the Kentwood Public Library on Kalamazoo. I read children’s books, horse books, mystery books (I still remember my unbounded joy to discover a HORSE MYSTERY) plus all the teen classics of my day (THE CHOCOLATE WAR, A WRINKLE IN TIME, I AM THE CHEESE and the fluffy Sweet Valley High books), the racy Danielle Steele, James Bond books, and more, more, more.  As a teen-ager I “studied” (gossiped, flirted) there.

I happily voted YES on the millage for a new branch, though. Kentwood is not a sleepy little town anymore and that library is tiny and ill-suited to the computer age.

We did make sure to go one more time, though, to say goodbye to the old building.

I remember thinking my feet couldn't trespass onto the "big kid" side of the library

Avery was done with pictures. She wanted lunch.

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Aug 12 2010

Camping in Newaygo…this time, with Lucky!

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We decided to see how Lucky would do camping, and he did great! Iffy weather cleared up early, and despite getting lost at first (and driving over the Hardy Dam on the Muskegon River, which was kinda cool but scary) it was a great trip. At least, until Sam got stung by a hornet between the eyes. But even that didn’t ruin the WHOLE trip. Just, well, that part.

Peek a boo! I see you!

Avery ignored the s'more and went straight for the chocolate.

The boys roasting their marshmallows...and Lucky hoping for a bite

Beautiful girl, beautiful day!

This is some kind of kayak launch or, in Sam's world, a pirate ship

Lucky liked it!


Watermelon! Nom nom nom

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Jul 31 2010

Quick Avery cuteness

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I checked on her at bedtime, and she was playing with the top of her stuffed cow’s head. She said, “I’m giving Cow* a haircut so he can be in the wedding tomorrow.”

I said, “Oh? Who’s getting married?”

“Cow’s not old enough to get married.”

“I know, he isn’t. So who’s getting married then?”

“Grandma and Papa are going to marry themselves.”

Well, congratulations, you two!

* I don’t know why Cow is a boy. But he also has wings, so go figure.

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Jul 26 2010

Carpe beach….seize the beautiful day

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So we woke up on a day with low humidity, pleasant warm air, cloudless skies, and lake water temps that, according to the newspaper, were in the 70s. Naturally we threw together a picnic lunch and headed for Saugatuck. Oval Beach is stunning, the water was so warm it was practically tropical, and the waves  made for some fun surf.

A camera can't capture how pretty this day was

This sandcastle had its very own miniature "lake". She's sitting in it...

Avery and Daddy catching waves in the bucket

"Oooooh, big wave!"

"Augh, big wave!"

Splash! (Got the camera, too)

Mother-daughter splashing

Mom and the kids


Shoulder ride

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Jul 24 2010

Be more specific, Daddy

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So Sam was brushing his teeth without any clothes on. Bruce told him he’s too old to be running around with no clothes on. Sam protested he wasn’t naked. He was wearing socks.

Bruce persisted, and told him to put his underwear back on.

So Sam did. He came out wearing his underwear on his head.

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Jul 17 2010

May the Force Be With You…Star Wars in Concert

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This event was tailor-made for Sam and Daddy. At Van Andel Arena, an orchestra and choir performed the Star Wars music synced up with selected scenes, plus a laser light show, narration by Anthony Daniels (voice of C-3PO and the only character in all six movies) and a traveling museum exhibit with original costumes, plus actors walking around in costume. Naturally, Sam went in his Darth Vader outfit.

"I find your lack of faith...disturbing."

Guess which one is Sam!

Giving orders to the troopers

Sam said his arms are folded because he's "giving orders" to Boba Fett

The ultimate weapon

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

Star Wars + music + laser lights = AWESOME

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Jul 17 2010

After the wedding…

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…party time. But first? Post-wedding tennis break for Sam and Papa.

Sam's got his Spider-Man shoes, Papa's got his tennis shoes.

Awww, bride and groom. (Just before cake-face)

I think she's got a future on Broadway. Family friend Heather, plus Sam

The sibs, all decked out (mostly, Sam was shedding pieces of his tux by then)

The groom and Mom

The groom and Grandma


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Jul 17 2010

Bob and Erin get hitched…

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… and the kids look really cute.

Day before. Note the fading shiner (right eye), missing tooth (lower middle) and crooked haircut (thanks Wal-Mart.)

Pretty church. Over 100 years old.

Avery and Kaeleigh, "backstage"

Avery readies herself for her public

They did it! Cookie reward for a job well done.

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Jul 06 2010

Sam’s room, before and after

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So when we moved in here, Sam was three years old, and obsessed with Thomas. His room before that was a bland rental which we didn’t decorate. The one before that was his nursery, done up in pastel classic Pooh. So I got all excited and painted his room in bright green and blue, with a Thomas border. Well, now he’s seven and doesn’t care about Thomas, so…it was time for a change.

A refresher of how it looked before:

He didn't even have a real bedspread, poor guy.

And now, courtesy of Behr paint in “Ocean Ridge” (oceans have ridges?), some Star Wars wall stickers and a spiffy new striped comforter….voila.

He helped me place all these stickers, he's got a big story involved with how they're arranged...

Close-up view.

Oh, and did I mention the bean bag? His new reading nook.

This is a jigsaw puzzle that Auntie Kim put together and handed down to Sam, finally up on the wall.

The corner with Lucky's crate...those hearts and that paper are love notes from Sam to Lucky

Avery likes his new room, too....

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Jul 06 2010

Oh, forgot this picture from the Fourth!

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Gorgeous, no?

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