May 24 2012

Preschool Meijer Gardens field trip

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With of course her BFF, Keala

Cute butterfly bench

Jumping with joy


Ooooh. Pretty....

Leaving the maze

In the "rainforest" (conservatory, with butterflies)

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Feb 02 2012

Winter Rush

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This was an “adventure race” in Richmond Park, which meant running through the snow and over, through and around obstacles for about a mile and a half, making snow angels and throwing snowballs, too. We were thinking it might be a mud race, because as of Thursday that’s all we had was mud and dirt. Then on Friday, voila! A snowstorm that lasted through Saturday morning, and stopped just long enough for us to have a fresh blanket of fluffy snow and bright sunshine. The temperatures were moderate, and the race finished with a sled ride down a major hill. We went with Melissa and her son Matthew in a team of four. So much fun!

Preparing for the race


This was quite a hill to trudge up! The boys were exhausted

Then the boys got to plant a flag at the top

Then we had to sled down this hill, all connected in our group of four, on saucer sleds. Our group broke up pretty quick, though. It's hard to hold onto each other at that speed!


Then we crashed, unfortunately leaving Matthew in the dust. He came down just after us.

Finished! And we weren't last!

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Jan 28 2012

Children’s Museum

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Preschool field trip, where Avery and her BFF Keala enjoyed themselves and Mom got some great pictures.

BFF= Best Friends Forever

First ride on the big yellow bus

Self-portrait on the bus

Funhouse mirror, where Keala is taller than Avery

Another funhouse mirror

Speaking of mirrors... Avery everywhere

What children's outing is complete without a ballpit?

Look out below! Here she comes!

Goofy girls

And naturally, there was play-cooking

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Jan 27 2012

Miscellaneous January, and visiting old friends

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This is just a funny view of Avery with her foot off the side of the couch

All together now: Awwwwww!

Avery and Lily. Getting pizza in Bay City with our friends the Karts

Isabela and Sam were into video games of all kinds all weekend

Cookies! Movie!

Lily and Avery, jammin on the ukelele

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Jan 27 2012

Winter Concert

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Sam’s school had a winter concert, and we started off with dinner at his favorite place, Steak and Shake!

Showing off one of his favorite gifts, the Spy Watch

Preparing to twirl a ribbon during a song. He was proud to get picked for this

The best focus we could get with the zoom and lighting. I should put him in a red sweater every time

Sam wasn't in this, but it was cool. The fourth and fifth grades did a choreographed bit under a black light to some loud rock music. These are glowing snowflakes

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Jan 27 2012

Merry Christmas

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The calm before the storm

Maybe my favorite picture of them so far


I love this notepad gift from Sam, made in school

Big smile for this Darth Paper book

One of her favorite gifts. She was playing with this just now as I was uploading this picture

Remote control helicopter! He's pretty good at it, too

From her dress-up box. She calls them "higher-up heels"

This was for the Easy Bake. Thanks, Santa!

We're making red velvet cupcakes. Sort of.

Sam and Daddy built this 3-D dino puzzle which came from Auntie Kim

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Jan 27 2012

Pre-Christmas fun

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Spontaneous sibling affection!


Nice smile from Sam

So excited she's jumping for joy for the TinkerBell movie

Snuggling in for Christmas movies

Movie snuggles for Kaeleigh and Avery

Christmas Eve at the Riggles. Only one kid felt like dressing up. Guess which one?

We love this retro Star Wars shirt

Smiling Riggle-Papa

Avery's favorite gift from Riggle-mas was the Play-Doh food

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Jan 27 2012

Happy Ninth Birthday, Sam!

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Of course you know, this means he’s almost a…preteen.

Sam and his friend, Tyler

A rare time when Nana will allow a photo

Make a wish! This frosting turned everyone's teeth blue

Beyblades (or were they Bakugans? Who can keep track anymore) from Tyler

Big reaction for the SnapCircuits from Auntie Kim

Pals. They're standing on a squishy surface so they look the same height. Tyler is actually taller.

Upside-Sam. This was at Playworld, a kid's idea of heaven on earth: bouncing, sliding, bouncing, climbing, bouncing. And snacks.

Lightsaber cake for party, phase two. (Yes. I know.)

Blowing out the candles

Papa and the gift he picked out. Sam's decided his magician name should be Alaka-Sam (get it?)

Nerf guns from Uncle Bob, Aunt Erin and Kaeleigh. Mayhem ensued.

You don't know the power of the dark side...

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Nov 25 2011

Gobble Gobble

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Happy Thanksgiving! No pictures of me, and I forgot to take a picture of my Mom, who was also there. She doesn’t love having her picture taken but I should have snuck one anyway…

Not a Thanksgiving picture, but too cute not to include

Feast! Check out the expression of anticipation on Avery's face

Nom nom nom....

The apple pie isn't as burned as it looks...the sugar sprinkled on top blackened but it was perfectly edible. The pumpkin pie was better.

And then we* decorated the house! The weather was gorgeous on Friday. ( *Mostly Bruce.)

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Nov 02 2011


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Did I scare you? Halloween fun with the kids….

The kids designed their pumpkins with crayon and paper and we did the cutting

Posing with their pumpkins

(Groucho) Marx O'Lantern

Parading at Sam's school. Avery came along in her fairy wings

Preparing for Trick or Treat. Avery is Tinkerbell. Sam is Mum-Ra, otherwise known as the bad guy in Thundercats.

Trick or Treat! Sam wore two shirts under his felt cape. Avery had to be Tinkerbell in a coat. Such is a Michigan Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone!

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