Archive for June, 2010

Jun 28 2010

Scene: Living room, just before lunch

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Avery: (Theatrical sobbing) Sam: Why are you so sad? Avery: (through theatrical sobs) Because Mommy doesn’t have any ham! Sam: It’s OK, Avery, Mommy still loves you!

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Jun 25 2010


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I packed a picnic lunch, plastered sunscreen on the kids (and me, learning my lesson from my sunburned shoulders) and hopped in the van to go play on the splashpad in Kentwood. Then…alas! Horrors! Lightning broke the splashpad! Now I’ve got two hysterically screaming, disappointed, hungry children. Here’s where a Blackberry or something would come […]

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Jun 24 2010

Camping, part two

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Remember this? The classic movie poster?

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Jun 23 2010

Camping, part one

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Jun 12 2010

Making like paparazzi

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Jun 07 2010

Festival Sunday

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And then we couldn’t resist running to Festival again Sunday. We ate ice cream from a waffle cone, listened to a rock band at the Calder, did sidewalk chalk, and Sam made a funny hat. The wind was COLD and it sprinkled a bit, but like I said, we’re tough. Avery was re-enacting our fun […]

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Jun 07 2010

Festival Saturday

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Bob, Erin and Kaeleigh came down so we all went together. The weather was a bit drizzly but nothing that tough Michiganders couldn’t handle. I did quote my dad a couple times, as in, “You’re not made of sugar, you won’t melt.”

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Jun 05 2010

Can’t wait for summer

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We can’t wait to try out our tent! Fingers crossed for good weather next week

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