Jan 22 2011

Sam performs

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It’s the rite of passage: elementary school music programs, and parents sitting through them. Luckily, the music teacher at Glenwood knows how to put on a fun show. This year’s theme was Motown, with a few uplifting kid songs sprinkled in.

Singing "My Personal Code", a song about doing the right thing, along with the music teacher, Mrs. Redmun, modeling the movements.

I love the serious expression on his face. He's taking it so very seriously.

And, just because, a picture of Avery from earlier in the week, having a birthday party for her dolls

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Jan 09 2011


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It was a perfect day for sledding. Sunny, bright, and once you got moving tromping up the hill it wasn’t even that cold. Sam’s school has a good hill behind it. It’s just steep enough to be fun, not so much it’s horrid to climb back up. I don’t have any good pictures of Sam. He was going too fast up and down the hill most of the time. My dad shot a great video, but it’s too big for the server here. If I figure out a way to compress or edit it, I’ll post it.

Tired Sam. Plus my shadow and my boot. He's lying on his sled which is why the angle looks weird. Told you I didn't have any good pictures of him.

Avery wasn't too sure, but we eventually talked her into sliding down the hill. This is a self-portrait by holding the camera in front of us

We took Riggle-Papa along, and he took this picture

We made it! That's Sam's school back there.

Avery slid with Riggle Papa, too. Note my shadow in the picture...

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Jan 09 2011

Merry Christmas!

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Christmas Day at long last! Santa was good to us this year.

A very glamorous ring from Sam, purchased at his school's Santa workshop

Papa Ringstrom joined us by webcam. This is Avery showing him all the mess.

Sam really wanted this pirate game, which he first found on the library computer

Avery with one of her favorite presents, Baby Alive who really "eats" (and no, does not poo or pee)

Castle Lego set!

Santa brought Avery a very pretty dollhouse.

Make your own mini-pizzas for Christmas dinner

Merry Christmas!

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Jan 08 2011

Riggle Christmas

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Christmas Eve was at the Riggles, Lucky included!

Zhu Zhu pets!

This was a box of Bath and Body Works soaps. Yay!

Sam got his first new watch

Dancing Avery!


Awwww again, on the phone with Auntie Kim

This is like a robot hamster called a zhu zhu pet

A nice picture of Mom

Merry Christmas....

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Jan 08 2011

Ringstrom Christmas

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Obviously an emotional year, but the wonderful thing about kids is that they find the joy, no matter what. Enjoy the pictures!

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, how lovely are thy branches

Santa Sam helped deliver the presents

Now THAT is joy! A horse for her American Girl doll

And speaking of joy....

Micronauts...a well-loved childhood toy, back again

Papa and Sam play "Beyblade", a spinning top battle game

They're so cute at that age.

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Dec 03 2010

Happy Birthday Sam!

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Normally I post pictures in chronological order but I couldn’t help but start with this one. Does this say it all, or what?

An eight-year-old's idea of heaven. OUR 8-year-old, anyway.

But the day started with Sam’s request he have a chocolate cake with white frosting and sprinkles, AND a Pikachu. What the blazes is a Pikachu? It’s the main Pokemon guy. Cute little dude that looks a little bit like Japanese anime of Pooh Bear. I could not find a professional cake-to-order, nor could I find pre-made little Pikachu decorations. So I bought some yellow frosting and thought I’d just do it myself, freehand. Go big or go home, right? Well, luckily Sam is not a persnickety kid.

Those are cinnamon red hots for the red parts of it.

I used cinnamon red hots to make the red parts.

A visual aid.

Make a wish!

Yes, that is a rocket. And yes, that was Daddy's idea.

Art supplies from Auntie Kim

Birthdays are so exciting! I have to zoom!

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Nov 22 2010

Kids say the darndest things

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From Avery: “Yesterday? At breakfast? I sneezed and bless-you’d my Froot Loop right off my spoon. That was funny.”

From Sam: “If you marry Donkey Kong, you’d have a monkey as a ring bearer.”

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Nov 12 2010

Big girl bed

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At last we put together the big girl bed! As Bruce was toting the old toddler/crib mattress downstairs, he asked if it was the same one we’ve had since Sam was a newborn. Yes, I said. He asked, “Does it feel sad that we’re not going to use this anymore?” Well, no, not ’til you said that, dear….

Look how big she was getting in that little bed!

And now she looks little again...

Another cool thing about a big bed: You can fit under it!

She's ready for bed! And, her close-up.

Storytime cuddles.

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Nov 12 2010


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Sam was grossed out by the guts...

Trick or treat! We lucked out and had a mild night. I layered extra shirts under the kids' costumes.


We ran into some classmates of Sam's, and our neighbor.

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Oct 29 2010

Glenwood costume parade

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Avery came along for the ride in her princess dress. Sam was so sweet to share the day with her, and his goodies without any complaining (eventually there were enough extra treats she could have her own.)

At the start of the parade, Princess and Count Dracula

Augh! Run for your life!

Mmmm, goodies! Avery's so lucky she doesn't have to wait until 2nd grade.

Cookie! Nom-nom-nom

That was a goooooood cookie. The only way to eat it is face-first.

Musical chairs! They divided by gender; for boys it was definitely a contact sport.

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