May 04 2011

Relay for Life 2011

Published by at 3:40 pm under Uncategorized

We formed a team for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life, and named our team “In the Name of Mom”, joining forces with the Taylor family who also lost their mother to cancer this year. This meant we raised money (over $4,000!) and then on April 29-30 we, in shifts as a team, walked the track at Falcon Stadium for 24 straight hours. Each team at Relay also has a team tent which has little carnival like activities and prizes to raise money, as well. In the evening was a luminaria ceremony with candle tributes lighting the track in honor of survivors or in memory of lost loved ones. That was a somber, emotional moment but otherwise the event was upbeat and positive, and I’m really glad we did it.

Celebrate! Remember! Fight back!

I loved these flags just outside the stadium

This is Daniel Mansheim, aka Dan-Dan. We had so much fun with all the kiddos out there.

I love this picture.

Taylor, Megan and Sam

Father-daughter track time. This is Kelly and Reese


The luminaria bag my kids made in honor of Donna


Dawn. Donna always called this color "sky blue pink."

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