Sep 19 2013

Flu shot achieved!

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Sep 19 2013

Sometimes when I go to Meijer for food

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I end up buying a half-price birdbath.


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Sep 15 2013

Avery says…

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… is this what you mean by Facebook?


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Sep 15 2013

Great picture catch-up

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I know I’ve been lax about keeping up the site. However! I have now learned how to update this site as easily as I do Facebook, which means you should see more posting here in the future.  Feel free to send this site link to interested relatives or friends, especially those who are not on Facebook.

Click on any picture to make it larger and see it in proper dimension (these are cropped to squares for the gallery).

These are some of the best pictures from the last several months.

One response so far

Sep 03 2013

First day

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Last year I will have both kids at the same school… (Sniff sniff)


Last year’s picture for contrast…


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Sep 02 2013


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Sep 02 2013

Test post from mobile app

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Testing testing


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May 11 2013

My first River Bank Run (aka Riggle Bank Run)

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I ran my first race! I came in 1,723rd out of 3,061 women (3,462 out of 5,274 overall) with a time of 34:41 which for me is right on target for my usual speed. It was fun and I felt great.

I got there REALLY early. It's about 6:30 a.m. here. My biggest fear was that I'd be late and miss it.

Starting line self-portrait. There were over 5,000 5K runners so it seemed to take ages just to get to the finish line. Lots of standing around in 45 degrees.

Home stretch! That's me in the white hat.


Posing with the kids at the Calder Plaza, where the post-race party was. They were such good sports to get up early and cheer me on in the cold!

And it was our anniversary! Seventeen years of wedded bliss

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May 01 2013

I will add more pictures soon

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Updating this site got away from me! Sorry! Soon, though…. In the meantime, see above for River Bank Run photos

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Sep 07 2012

First day

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Avery’s first day of kindergarten! Sam would just as soon abandon this picture tradition, but I put my foot down. I’ll let him off the hook when he’s in middle school.

Look how big they are!

Look at Sam on his kindergarten day!

Avery and her best boy friend (not boyfriend) Jack

Off she goes (and as the doors close, Mom starts weeping....)

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