Sep 07 2012

Play ball!

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The Whitecaps didn’t make the playoffs, but we had a heckuva good time watching them beat the Dayton Dragons on the second-to-last day of the regular season, on a warm but  breezy day.

Bruce, Avery, Papa, Sam

Very glam

Sam running the bases

Avery's turn on the bases. She's in the red with a ponytail

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Sep 07 2012

Sweet Home Chicago

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I took 300 pictures, and ordered prints of 77 of them. I couldn’t possibly pick just a few to put here, so when you see me next, make sure to ask to see the album…

In front of the Adler Planetarium on a perfect summer day

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Sep 07 2012

Long, hot summer

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But it was fun!

Fourth of July parade

Post-parade nap. Awww.

Avery and Brennan before fireworks

Luke, Sam and Brianna

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Jun 03 2012

Now summer can start, we’ve been to Festival

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We always love going, even if the kids don’t appreciate the ballet dancing or big band music we subjected them to, they did enjoy the food and getting to ‘do” art themselves. And balloons….

We went to Festival on Sunday because the weather finally got beautiful!

Festival means eating on the curb

They had a "Paint-In" for the kids and Avery was into it


Sam liked the "glue-in"

Sam working hard assembling wood scraps into a sculpture

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May 25 2012

… and it’s the end of preschool

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They had a "graduation." Avery decided her "flag dress" was the perfect outfit for the occasion

Posing with her preschool BFF

How do you celebrate graduating? With cake, of course.

Posing with Mrs. Baker

For comparison, here she is on the first day of preschool

I can't believe how grown up they are

My big girl

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May 25 2012

Field trip to Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park

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The girls had the best field trips

Avery and the bearded dragon. Sounds like a great book title.

They're so sweet to humor me with all my pictures

What's a bird in the hand worth? That's my hand, by the way.


I think Avery liked the goat best

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May 25 2012

Mother’s Day

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My Mother's Day loot

Original poem by Sam

Necklace close-up. From Bruce

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May 25 2012


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Love the action shot here

Another great egg hunt action shot

Sam finds one on the kitchen

With their baskets


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May 25 2012

Meijer Gardens, spring break, and Auntie Kim

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We had perfect weather to take the kids to Meijer Gardens with Papa Riggle and Auntie Kim. Sunny, and just warm enough to be pleasant…

The line to the butterfly house started in the arid greenhouse

Monarch caterpillars. They were out in the other greenhouses because they are native and it doesn't matter if they escape

Great smile

Mom and the kids in the conservatory, or what the kids call "the rainforest"

Zoom shot of kids and Papa in the hedge maze

I made Sam pose for this. "Someday you'll be glad to have pictures like this! When you're old! Now get over there and smile."

These wavy tubes went underground and you could talk to each other through them

Avery made a new friend, while digging in the sand

Sam did, too. They're digging for "fossils"

She was very proud of this pattern

The DaVinci horse. The kids are down by the front right hoof. The horse's right, of course.


We saved the boats for last...obviously.

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May 24 2012

Happy Birthday, Avery!

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Happy Birthday to Avery!

Smiling with Kaeleigh at the Ringstrom party

American Girl clothes! (Frugal Target version!)


On the way to Playworld


Popcorn snack

Boys at the party

Cake, design by Avery, baked by Mom

Make a wish

Present time!

A Leapster game she wanted

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